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Non-Spark Chain Hoist


Non-Spark Chain Hoist

Specially designed for LNG-LPG vessels and tankers, but also essential for Factories handling explosive materials. Made of beryllium material except for the gears which are tightly covered by copper alloy casings assuring no-sparking during operation.

Beryllium Copper Alloy
CODE Lift.Cap.Ton Lift. Cap. mtr Tested Cap.Ton Min. Dist. Hooks mm Weight kgs
615021 0.5 2.5 0.75 330 15.9
615022 1 3 1.5 390 35.2
615024 3 3 4.75 690 65



615021,0.5T,2.5m, 615022,1T, 3m, 615024,3T, 3m


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